Esther Jiménez

Alexis Mosca

Jean de Gunzburg
Talk to me about… your research
I am the chief scientific officer at Da Volterra, a French biotechnology company, headquartered in Paris, France. Da Volterra is committed to the discovery and development of innovative approaches to prevent the deleterious consequences of antibiotic treatments on the intestinal microbiota, including the emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance, as well as the occurrence of infections by opportunistic pathogens such as Clostridium difficile. Prior to that, I led an academic career as a cell biologist focusing on signal transduction and oncogenesis, ultimately leading a research laboratory at the Institut Curie in Paris.
Talk to me about…something people may not know about you
I was born in Canada, lived for most of my life in France, and am now based in the London. I am an avid off-piste skier, in the French and Swiss Alps. I particularly enjoy the slow hiking/skinning up the mountains which gives me time to appreciate the fabulous scenery, and to think in depth about new and arising matters, in particular in relation to my research.

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Lihi Segal

Amrita Ahluwalia

Muriel Derrien